Friday 23 September 2011

Why Did I Chose This Quote?

Just now I can feel that little quivering of the pen which has always forshadowed the happy delivery of a good book. ~Emile Zola

I chose this quote because it's so creative and intriguing. It describes an authors point of view, and makes you think of how an author feels while there writing a book. It's a different idea and its just so fascinating. This quote really speaks to me and makes me want to write my own books just to experience this excitement. This quote is so wonderful and that's why I chose it.


  1. You have given a good reason to select your quote. Make sure that you include both the quote itself and the source link.

    Do you do a lot of personal writing?

  2. I love this quote Maggie! You are very right in saying how it takes you inside the head of an author. But, I'm curious, do you know this feeling yourself? Have you ever experienced it? And, if you have, did you listen to it and begin to write?

  3. Actually I have felt like that and if I did, I would usually write my thoughts down. Its a great, inspiring feeling, like you have this creative burst of energy to share. Even if your story goes nowhere you at least got to experience the excitement.
